PSD to HTML Conversion

HTML5 Development Features

  • Cross Browser Compatibility

    We code high-quality valid XHTML/CSS markup, so that website consistent across all browsers and devices.


    Our experts make use of CSS preprocessors for every project that is accomplished on behalf of our clients. You can provide us with our requirements and we shall take complete responsibility of getting the job done.

  • Elegant forms

    HTML5 enables designer to use fancier forms with different field types, makes form validation native to HTML & User Interface enhancements and reduces the need for JavaScript.

  • Improved Accessibility

    Different HTML5 elements make more detailed understanding of the structure of a web page by just taking a look at HTML5 elements it has.

  • Consistency

    HTML5 elements provide greater consistency in coding a web page, making it easier for designers and developers to immediately understand how a web page is structured.

  • Easy to integrate with any CMS

    You can easily integrate your HTML5 markup with Open-source CMS like Magento, Drupal, Joomla, Prestashop, Opencart and WordPress.

  • Minimize Use of Plug-Ins and Scripts

    With HTML5, media plugins and scripts that cause longer load times are a thing of the past.

  • Excellent Support for Graphical Representation

    Bring your site's visual appeal to a new level with the highest quality visual representations with faster load times.

  • Improved Semantic Valuation of Codes and Web Pages

    Improves website's performance with fluid and responsive grid, using the latest coding and semantic values.

  • Latest Technology

    HTML5 is the future in UI development. We can provide the best possible markup for HTML5, offering all the appropriate tags and elements according to your design.

  • Responsive Websites

    Our markup in HTML5 will ensure a responsive site that requires minimal coding.

  • Video and Audio and Other Elements

    HTML5 offers a lot of tags, but we can utilize elements like video and audio to their maximum potential, within the scope of your project.

  • Animation for HTML5

    Looking for animation effects with HTML? We’re the ones who can provide it. Please contact us to find out more about what we can do for you.

  • Enhanced Feel and Usability

    Our coded HTML5 markup will enhance the feel and usability of your site through different features like 2D drawing.

  • Support

    We ensure to lend a helping hand to all our clients. Share with us your doubts and we shall clear them at once.

  • Scott Cain

    “ We have used Xchop for over three years and their service and delivery has been nothing short of excellent. We recommend using Xchop for all agencies looking for quick turnaround and great work. ”

    — Scott Cain, Happy xChop Customer

Optional Features

  • Page Speed Optimization

    We can minify the scripts thats being used so that page speed is improved.

  • Retina Display Compatibility

    To render high quality image in apple device select this feature.

  • Jquery Implementation

    Select the jquery feature option if layout requires it

  • Iphone, Ipad, Android Device Compatibility

    We can manage the layout compatibility when project is ready

  • sIFR/Cufon/@font-face Implementation

    Font as per recommendation will be implemented.

Why choose team xchop ?

  • Non-Disclosure Agreement
  • Highest Quality Markup
  • Latest Browser Compatibility
  • 365 Days Free Support

Examples of HTML5/CSS3 Development Work

Frequently Asked Questions

We've put together a comprehensive F.A.Q. on the topic of HTML5 Web Design. We hope this will help you decide whether this is a valid solution for you. For any other questions not covered here, feel free to send us an email at OR contact us.

  • 1. What is PSD to HTML5 Service?
    • A

      PSD to HTML5 service is a conversion of your designs into high quality HTML5 and CSS3 markup. HTML5 is the latest version of HTML and comes with enhanced features like multimedia, video playbacks, APIs, form control etc.

  • 2. What is included with PSD to HTML5 service?
    • A

      We guarantee High-Quality PSD to HTML5 conversion using CSS3 with clean code, on time delivery, 100% customer satisfaction and dedicated 24/5 assistance.

  • 3. How does HTML5 affect an existing HTML4 website?
    • A

      Good news—it doesn’t! The HTML specifications require browsers to support HTML4 web pages. However, you should update your HTML editing tools as new versions become available. If your web pages operate on strict XHTML, you should validate any third-party HTML5 code to XHTML standards before embedding the code into your own web pages.

  • 4. What is new about HTML5?
    • A

      The biggest change is that HTML documents are explicitly recognized as interactive applications. That means HTML5 can be coded with a high degree of flexibility and maneuverability. It’s less “static” than typical HTML.

      How does it achieve this? Every document element in HTML5 has a corresponding JavaScript API that describes how that element should behave in response to user actions and other events. In other words, HTML5 is now capable of “behaving” much like a flexible code such as JavaScript.

  • 5. Are there new HTML5 tags I should be aware of?
    • A

      Certainly. Section, article, header, hgroup, footer, aside, nav are the semantic descriptions of the documents themselves. New media elements include audio, video, and canvas. New form input types include email, url, number range and search. There are a lot of new element attributes as well, so there’s plenty to play with in HTML5.

  • 6. Have any HTML elements changed their meaning? Or how they’re used?
    • A

      Since so many people are familiar with previous version of HTML, a lot of the concern over new versions is when tags and elements change their purpose or function. The “small” element, which in HTML4 doesn’t have a real semantic value—only making the text smaller—is used in HTML5 on a more standard basis, for disclaimers, legal notices and the like. Literally, the “small” tag now works for small print. The “anchor” element, which can create hyperlinks, can now enclose other elements such as excluding other links and buttons—in HTML4, this was not the case.

  • 7. Are there things in HTML4 that are not in HTML5?
    • A

      Some elements have become obsolete, yes. Browser makers can still support HTML4 elements in the new versions, and most will—frame, frameset, big, center, and applet are among those that might fall in the category of “obsolete” now.

  • 8. What is HTML5 video?
    • A

      Simply, HTML5 refers to playing a video through the browser and the web page’s own video element rather than via a third-party browser plugin via an object or embed element. For example, many Flash-supported videos would not qualify as HTML5 video because they require an external plugin. HTML5 video uses less resources as it is built into the browser, making it easy to load. You might expect to see more of this in the coming years!

  • 9. Which browsers support HTML5?
    • A

      The more apt question might be: which don’t? Firefox, Opera, Chrome, and Safari are great for support in HTML5 in their current versions. This also includes mobile browsers for iPhones, iPads, and Android products.

  • 10. What about Internet explorer?
    • A

      Unfortunately, there is no HTML5 support in Internet Explorer or previous versions. But adding a Javascript library – think Google’s HTML5 shim or Modernizer – will enable IE 6, 7, and 8 to recognize the new elements. It basically treats them as though they’re styled in CSS, which created a smooth HTML experience.

  • 11. Can I view examples of your PSD to HTML5 services?
    • A

      You can see our latest work here. For more specific HTML5 service examples, feel free to send us an email at OR contact us or you can directly talk to our Live Chat Team.

  • 12. Why do I see a limited number of examples in your portfolio?
    • A

      Yes of course it is very simple. You just need to send us an email at asking for more samples of our work. You can also get in touch with us through our online chat to request for more samples. As a company which has been in the industry since 2007 we have created over 80k websites. However, we are post just a few samples here because we are bound by our NDA, which we take very seriously as we will not be able to post our clients’ projects here without their written consent. The samples posted here are projects for which we have such approvals. This is just an indicator of what we could actually do for you. So feel free to get in touch.