Xhtml Development Features

  • 100% Hand-Coded

    Our expert coder will know your xHTML site inside and out.


    We deliver every project that has complex coding systems such as CSS preprocessors. Give us an idea about your preferences and we shall use them to meet your requirements.

  • SEO-Friendly Markup

    Getting to the front of websites like Google is of utmost importance; our SEO-friendly markup will make sure that your website isn’t getting in its own way.

  • User Optimized Images

    We can optimize images to ensure fast page loading and effective retention of users who don’t have any patience for long-loading pages.

  • Semantic/Commented Markup

    Semantic markup will always help in the future for project customization purposes.

  • Smaller File Size

    Optimized code, CSS, and optimized images mean smaller file sizes and faster loading times.

  • Multipurpose Markup

    Our mark is well coded and organized for various platforms.

  • Cross-Browser, Cross-Device Compatibility

    We’ll code your site simply so that it works with every browser there is!

  • Support

    Even after the last lap of the project is done, you will find our support available. Contact us for a dependable service.

  • Scott Cain

    “ We have used Xchop for over three years and their service and delivery has been nothing short of excellent. We recommend using Xchop for all agencies looking for quick turnaround and great work. ”

    — Scott Cain, Happy xChop Customer

Optional Features

  • Sticky Footer

    Our sticky footer stays at the bottom no matter what the screen resolution is, ensuring that you get the message you want to your audience.

  • iPhone, iPad, and Android Device Compatibility

    This option will guarantee that your website will look great no matter what kind of smart phone your user might be using. The website layout doesn’t change across different smartphones.

  • Windows 7 and Blackberry Device Compatibility

    This option will guarantee that your website will look perfect even in the Windows 7 and BlackBerry browsers. That means the website will load just as it does on the desktop, ensuring a continuity for your page.

  • CSS Frameworks

    You can choose CSS frameworks like 960 grid, less framework, Blueprint, etc.

  • Screen Readers Compatibility

    Screen readers are audio interfaces that convert your website’s text into synthesized speech, allowing those who are visually impaired to check out your website.

  • Microformat/Schema and Page Speed Optimization

    A web-based approach to the semantic markup will be very easy to read by search providers. We’re aiming for 90+ score, which provides a great user experience.

Why choose team xchop ?

  • Non-Disclosure Agreement
  • Highest Quality Markup
  • Latest Browser Compatibility
  • 365 Days Free Support

Some things we’ve done.

Frequently Asked Questions

We’ve put together a comprehensive F.A.Q. on the topic of Xhtml Web Design. We hope this will help you decide whether this is a valid solution for you. For any other questions not covered here, feel free to send us an email at info@xhtmlchop.com OR contact us.

  • 1. What is the Prochop Package?
    • A

      The Prochop Package is simple: it is our standard PSD (PhotoShop Document) to HTML package. In PSD to HTML, a simple workflow of design -> code is utilized in order to ensure that your website turns out exactly how it was designed.

      In essence, we can take your PSD and convert it to HTML that stays true to your design.

  • 2. What kind of quality can I expect from this package?
    • A

      A pixel-perfect conversion! This means that the HTML package you receive will be true to your PhotoShop design. Put simply, this means that you can expect a true-to-image HTML coding package that takes the existing design and launches it successfully to the HTML format.

      Think of it as a simple “medium” conversion that keeps your original vision intact.

  • 3. Are the markups you used SEO friendly?
    • A

      We wouldn’t use them if they weren’t! Yes, our markups will be fully SEO friendly, ensuring that your webpage fits seamlessly into search engine listings without any slapdowns.

  • 4. What if you don’t deliver the project within the deadline?
    • A

      We take great pains to ensure that each and every project is on-time and on-point; if not, we’ll be sure to communicate you to let you know what the issue is and when you can expect a finished product.

  • 5. Which browsers do you support?
    • A

      How about all of them? The HTML package you receive will be fully readable across all of the latest and most popular browsers.

  • 6. What will happen to the information I disclose to you?
    • A

      We have a strict NDA policy, and will happily sign a Non-Disclosure Agreement with you in order to ensure maximum security for your information. We take your trust very seriously.

  • 7. I have an old site—a good design, but outdated code. Can you re-code it with the latest standards?
    • A

      Absolutely. We will need you to give us the full details about the project, as is the case for any PSD to HTML project, but the answer is that we’d be happy to update your code while maintaining the integrity of your classic design.

  • 8. Can your HTML be used to later create a responsive, interactive site?
    • A

      Yes, but some structural changes may be needed. Every project is different. But it is possible to choose a responsive package later on, and we’ll be happy to work with you to keep your design but to make your website more interactive with your customers and visitors.

  • 9. Do you use any frameworks while coding?
    • A

      As a rule, no. But if clients prefer, we can offer CSS frameworks including Twitter boostrap, an HTML5 boilerplate, Foundation, Blueprint, etc. Once again, each project is different, but we’re glad to talk to you about how to customize a unique experience that best suits your website.

  • 10. Do you provide hosting with your services?
    • A

      No; you’ll have to work out hosting with your own provider.

  • 11. Do you support after-sale technical support?
    • A

      Yes! We offer 365 days of free technical support to ensure that you have a smooth transition to your new website.

  • 12. Will the markup be w3c validated?
    • A

      Yes; in fact, we will provide you with a w3c validated link with your project.

  • 13. Can you help me with any modifications in the future? If so, what’s the cost?
    • A

      Our 365 days of free technical support should help you with any technical problems you have with modifying the code. That means we can only help you with minor changes in the project. If you want major changes, we would suggest seeking a new project with us.

  • 14. Why do I see a limited number of examples in your portfolio?
    • A

      Even though we have been in this industry since 2007 and designed over 80,000 websites we have posted just a few samples in our portfolio as you have rightly noticed. We are a professional web development agency and we sign NDA with our clients. One of the clauses of the NDA prevents us from showcasing the work. When we have explicit permission from the client we showcase such work. You can however write to us at info@xhtmlchop.com for more samples relevant to your industry. You will also find our live chat representatives helpful here in taking your requests.