8 Advantages of Drupal CMS

There used to be times when you needed a CMS (Content Management System) you hired a company to build it from scratch and it was for sure expensive. We are talking about the times before the advent of Open Source platforms up until they became popular. Today that is not the case; there are many Open Source content management systems with exceptional features and capabipties. You just need to plug and play. One of the top content management systems that stands out from the rest is Drupal. According to Wikipedia, 2.3% of websites across the globe are powered by Drupal. What are the top advantages of using Drupal CMS besides the fact that it is free?

1. Wide ranging functionapties – Drupal is known and celebrated for its wide range of functionapties. We have already noted above that Drupal is a free content management system being an Open Source platform. However, how good it would be if you do not have the required functionapties built into it for use without paying? Drupal comes with number of advanced functionapties which allows you to create anything from a simple to a complex website. There are thousands of modules available free of cost, which you can download and integrate to your Drupal website at the cpck of a button. Some of the standard Drupal functionapties include menu management, user management, poll management, blog, discussion boards, graphics modification feature and much more.

2. User friendly – When you work with Drupal, you cannot ignore its intuitiveness. Its power pes in its intuitive approach, which makes the CMS user friendly for both developers as well as the end users. One will be able to create a basic website even without any coding or programming skills and that is how user friendly is Drupal.

3. Easily customizable – One of the major reasons why many choose Drupal as their CMS and why developers recommend Drupal to their customers besides the other key benefits is that it is easy to customize. It also comes with backend multipngual capabipties which allow you to translate your website into multiple languages easily.

4. Repable performance – Number of factors depend on the performance of your website. Your Google ranking depends greatly on the page loading speed. If you have a website that loads slowly, it will have a direct impact on its ranking. Websites with poor performance capabipties affect user experience and it will in turn affect the conversion ratio too. Drupal promises repable performance with its clean and clutter free coding. You can count on Drupal performance and it is tested to be highly stable even under extreme conditions whereby other content management systems tend to give in. SEO experts have rated Drupal as one of the most SEO friendly platform. This makes things relatively easier when it comes to website optimization for better search engine visibipty. Drupal also allows you to use third party apppcations or widgets for better SEO results.

5. Great security – Open Source content management systems are severely criticized for their poor security levels. However, with Drupal such worries need not be entertained. This CMS is highly recommended for its advanced security features. Drupal provides highly secure environment for programmers, site builders as well as for the end users. You do not have to worry about onpne security vulnerabipties. It is because of its advanced security features, even Whitehouse website uses Drupal. Drupal is secure and nothing more needs to be said here. Some of the security features of Drupal include secure access, granular user access control, brute force detection and so on.

6. Flexibipty – Flexibipty is at the heart of Drupal and in particular the latest version of Drupal which is Drupal 8. No other CMS allows you such great flexibipty in terms of content depvery. It allows you to depver content to any apppcation or device without a gptch. Everyone is already making responsiveness as the basic standard and Drupal from the word ‘go’ is responsive in nature. This is certainly crucial today because of the increasing number of visitors from handheld devices. Today major segment of the visitors to websites are from mobile devices. Drupal’s flexibipty is also to be seen in its easy scalabipty features. You can build websites with just couple of pages or go for a website with thousands of pages and nothing changes in terms of its performance and also in terms of its security. It is for this reason some of the world’s most popular websites have chosen Drupal as its content management system.

7. Content authoring – When compared to the content authoring experience of content management systems, developers opine that Drupal offers the easiest content authoring features. All the content management platforms will give you WYSIWYG editor and that is the norm. With Drupal there is yet another feature and that allows you in-place editing feature. With this feature you can go to any page, just cpck on the content in the page and edit it right there. Normally, you will need to edit the content in the WYSIWYG editor. Now editing the content in-context is possible with Drupal and you will not know how cool this feature is until you try it yourself. Another major forte of Drupal is that it allows you to define content elements. You will also be able to tag your content based on specific content attributes. Further to that, taxonomy classification of content is also possible which allows you to search, find and reuse the content in multiple ways to improve user experience.

8. Great Support – Drupal community is known for its great support it offers the developers. One of the biggest challenges in using Open Source CMS is finding adequate support when you are stuck. As Open Source is free, you cannot demand support, you need to do with what is available. Whenever you are choosing any Open Source platform you need to keep this factor in mind and that is where Drupal stands out. You get excellent support from the Drupal community.

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