Make Your Photoshop Design Files Functional Via PSD to HTML Conversion
Websites on the Internet abound these days, and the number continues to grow in a fast pace. The phenomenal growth and presence of websites and blogs is because of the fact that business on the Internet has boomed all the more. People from all over the world have embraced websites as a major avenue when doing online business. This is the reason why website building has become a vital activity, with web owners creating their sites or blogs from scratch or converting their PSD files to sites and web pages via PSD to HTML or XHTML conversion.
PSD conversion involves intricate and difficult processes
When it comes to the PSD conversion option of building website, this process is time consuming and involves complicated processes. It requires a deeper knowledge of specific software and web technology and other Internet skills. PSD o HTML conversion for instance, involves many steps, in order to convert a PSD file effectively into a HTML-based website. But soon after effective conversion is done, it is now possible for the website to be launched on any web browser. In fact, it is only after PSD file conversion to HTML, XHTML, or that the site can be fully visible on the Internet.
Why convert your PSD files
Why do you need to convert your Photoshop files in the first place? For one, these files are incompatible with web browsers. This is the reason why website designers and creators refer to them as non-functional pages. In order to make Photoshop design files functional, it is a must that they undergo conversion process into useful HTML pages. There are many other conversions, but the most popular ones apart from HTML are PSD to XHTML and PSD to conversion.
How are PSD files converted?
To start with the PSD to HTML conversion process, you must chop the Photoshop image into a number of layers. This is a delicate process that requires utmost care of the web design professional, which is why it is a must that precise and expert manual chopping work is implemented.
As soon as images are sliced, the conversion service provider can now add essential website elements such as links, buttons, among others. Finally, the design can now be coded, which involves the adding of required HTML codes that will make the site dynamic and ready for launching into web browsers.
Why services recommend HTML conversion of PSD files
While you can also opt for other available PSD file chopping such as PSD to WordPress conversion, HTML and XHTML conversions are known to be the most recommended options by web design companies. Especially with PSD to HTML slicing option, this is considered as the best method that will help you obtain a beautiful, functional, and user-friendly website.
Put simply, HTML conversion makes sure that your website enjoys vital features such as full compatibility to web browsers, 100% clean semantic codes, and validation of W3C. With an effective Photoshop design file conversion to an HTML website, you are assured that your non-functional PS files and pages will become dynamic and functional websites.