How Responsive Web Design can Power up your Business?
There are indeed a number of ways in which responsive web design can boost your business, and basically the advantages revolve around SEO, obtaining a larger reach and most importantly staying in tune with the latest developments in the field of web design. If you happen to be a webmaster or an online business owner, you must be looking for ways to take your website and thereby your business beyond the competition. A responsive approach goes a long way in helping you do so by delighting the users, enhancing your conversion rates, and there’s more to it! Let us explore the real power that lies in responsive web design.
Increasing exposure to mobile and tablet audiences
With the proliferation of the internet along with the soaring usage of Smartphones, tablets and other mobile devices, online business owners are left with two choices. The traditional choice would be to redirect the user to a device-specific website (say mobile), while a more updated decision would be to opt for a responsive website that is compatible across devices.
As tablet sales reach the 100 million mark, the importance of responsiveness in web design an exponential growth curve, with respect to optimization of online content. Google analytics will tell you that at least an average of 10-30% of your visitors are coming through the channel of tablets or mobiles, so if you cannot present a user friendly version to these viewers, you are bound to lose customers.
Maintaining a single website with a single coding sheet
One of the major advantages of going responsive is that you are required to maintain only a single set of codes. Moreover, only, one set of pages is required for the responsive website. Therefore, any incorporation of changes or addition of new functionality within the desktop version is automatically made available to the mobile version as well.
Consolidating reporting and analytics
If you have a responsive website, it implies that there is no need to track conversion paths, user journeys, redirections and funnels between many websites. Site analytics tools such as Google Analytics are at present optimized for handling of manifold devices along with responsive reporting. All of your analytics and tracking would carry on functioning and would be shrunk to a single report, enabling convenient analysis and monitoring. This in turn goes a long way in streamlining your business activities.
Obtaining effective search engine optimization results
The relation between responsive website and SEO is still a debatable one; however, Google has made it clear that a responsive web design is the recommended configuration with respect to creation of Smartphone optimized sites. On the whole, having a responsive website is good for SEO because:
- – The content gets published only once so there is no headache of duplicate content.
- – The SEO efforts that you undertake for your desktop version get applied to mobile automatically.
- – With responsive design, you are more likely to secure a high rank on mobile search since you are offering the mobile users with an optimized version.
- – Google recommends responsive web design as the best practice.
Augmenting conversions and profits from ads
If you shift from a mobile version to a responsive one, there is high possibility of a boost in the conversions and earnings from ads. It has been seen that through migration of three AdSense sites to responsive version marks an increase of 20-30% in the earnings of AdSense in comparison to the mobile versions.
Cutting down cost and time spent on mobile development
One of the major benefits of adopting a responsive approach to web design is that it takes lesser amount of time as compared to the creation of a stand-alone mobile site, which has always been the traditional way. Once you have to test across several website versions, your development, maintenance and support overheads are increased to a considerable extent. Since there is re-usage and optimization by device in case of responsive web design, the typical testing methodologies can also be used.
Boost in visitor’s offline browsing experience
Through responsive web design, site owners are capable of delivering quality content to browsers across different devices. With the help of the offline browsing features that HTML5 provides, users can access sites on the move. As there is a boom in HTML5 enabled Smartphones and tablets, this facility would gain immense significance. Email newsletters along with content present within hybrid HTML5 web applications would be consumed more and more on the move and without the presence of any internet connection.
All the above mentioned benefits are enough reasons to validate why responsive web design is here to stay. So, it’s time to leverage the responsive advantage and power up your business for a steady bottom line.