Hand-Coded PSD Conversion Advantages

So you might have designed a unique and amazingly enticing design for your website in Photoshop or had made amazing Corel drawing techniques but how will you be able to launch this effectively on the internet? PSD and other programs used by web designers need to be converted into an understandable mark-up language that is understandable and identifiable by the W3C. Today, various firms are offering conversion of PSD to HTML, xhtml, WordPress, Joomla, Drupal, Magento and other custom management systems for a site’s easy access and understanding on the net. But chopping one file to another is no easy feat. It is a complex process that relies on expert services especially when you want to generate the same design and intricacies of your Photoshop or Corel draw designs. These days, various ways of conversion is available in chopping files to understandable semantic language. Though wide-ranging variety continually pushes automation of such services, expert service providers like XHTMLchop are just some of the chosen few who rely heavily on hand-coding conversion techniques. Artistic and more dedicated, xhtmlchop’s handcoding techniques in chopping PSDs and other CMS into understandable internet language still holds a lot of promise in delivering positive returns to your website.

PSD to HTML and WordPress

Cross-Browser Compatibility

As internet systems rely on web browsers to load a website, generating a handcoded PSD to XHTML, wordpress, and other custom CMS will definitely ensure that a website can successfully be launched in any browser that users prefer to use. Most common browsers today include Internet Explorer, Safari, Firefox, Google Chrome and Opera. However, in a single machine, most people have one downloaded browser that they prefer using. Your website might work with Chrome but not in IE or vice-versa. And this could mean a huge mess for you if this happens. Audiences want everything easy on the net. The easier the loading process, the better it is for them. That is why xhtmlchop’s battery of expert web designers check and double check their conversions to guarantee that websites being applied with such techniques can work with any browser preference of the user. Unlike automation where everything is done with the aid of machine, xhtmlchop’s handcoding guarantees that websites are arranged by humans and are double checked for errors.

Larger Bandwidth

In addition to cross-browser compatibility, launching speed of websites is also an important factor to consider. Audiences these days wanted websites to load in a snap. This is very important especially when dealing with online shopping sites where zoom-in and close-up pictures of products significantly affect point of sales. Along with increased functionality in the form of graphics, multiple page system, large files, flash animation and some other interactive customization, a much higher demand for bandwidth is also imminent. Only through proper handcoding conversion can one gauge speed and “cleanliness of websites when being loaded.

SEO Readiness
Of course, whether it is to convert PSD to WordPress or xhtml or Joomla or any other custom management system, the idea of your website being recognized effectively search engine crawlers is vital for your page rankings. Hand-coding conversion expert like Xhtmlchop knows basically what your website needs and can efficiently make customization effort to guarantee that your website or websites can be easily recognized by spiders and bots. Apparently, machines also have certain limitations that human effort can positively implement.

Xchop blog themes