Factors To Be Taken Into Account With Your PSD to HTML5 Conversions
If you are in the process of converting PSD to HTML5 you need to take into account number of factors and here are the list of factors that you need to pay attention to. You should first understand that the PSD to HTML5 conversions should be handled manually and no stripping tools should be used. If you want the conversions to be accurate and professional then use 100% manual coding in all your conversions. Hand coded HTML5 markup services are the best and always go for it; no compromises what so ever.
Secondly, you should know that just because you are using hand coded HTML5 markup services it will not become automatically an excellent page. The manual coding should follow or should be compliant with W3C standard. Only when the pages comply with W3C standards search engines will be able to crawl your pages without running into any issues. If you have been using mediocre PSD to HTML5 conversion services you are likely to run into problems here.
You may also need to find out whether your PSD to HTML5 conversions are performed using semantic coding to make the pages search engine friendly. If the pages are not coded in a search engine friendly way, you are likely to run into frequent problems with your pages. You will not be able to get good search engine ranking despite taking good SEO efforts in future. So always find a company that will pay attention to the SEO basics while performing the PSD to HTML5 conversions.
Once the PSD files are converted fully, you should check without fail whether the pages are working well in all the latest browsers. This part is called cross browser compatibility. Not all service providers test the web pages for cross browser compatibility after the conversions. As people today use diverse browsers, it is important that your website is working equally well in all the browsers.
These are some of the most important aspects to be paid attention to while getting your PSD files converted to HTML5. Find dependable service providers to perform your conversions because there are many companies on the web that promise to offer you with the best PSD conversions but the challenge is to find a company with adequate experience. Make sure that your service provider offers good post sales support so that you will be able to any glitches that you may come across after the completion of the work.
Spend adequate time in testing your pages for all its functionalities as soon as you receive your work so that you can identify any problems that may be present with the conversions performed by your service provider. This is where it is helpful to find companies that offer reasonable period of post completion support. As the competition level is so highly online these days, you need to have fully functional websites to support your business online for which you need professional PSD to HTML5 conversions service.