Advantages of Using React JS


ReactJS is gaining significance day by day in web development and among the developers’ community. However, despite the popularity of this platform, there are still many people who have questions and doubts regarding the use of ReactJS. If you understand the benefits of using ReactJS, you will be able to make well-informed decisions. Let us look at some of the top benefits of using ReactJS.

1. If you are looking for fully dynamic websites that are this open source JavaScript library will be the best way to go about accomplishing your goals. You will be able to produce stunning effects with ReactJS and it is a very developer friendly platform. It gives you unlimited development options to create robust interfaces for the end users.

2. Another major benefit of using ReactJS is to be seen in reuse of code components. This is such a great advantage for the developers. You do not have to rebuild similar functionalities right from scratch. You will be saving a considerable amount of time using ReactJS. All along reusing code components used to be very challenging but not anymore. You can build functionalities and applications that could be plugged in easily in your future applications too. One of the reasons why and how this is possible with ReactJS is that all the components are created as standalone components. You will not have to worry about changes in one component affecting the stability of the others or disturbing the other components. Now that it is possible to build standalone components, even the most challenging development requirements could be broken down into smaller parts and built with ease. Developer productivity is enhanced and when the developer productivity increases the development costs will come down. If you are having an in-house team you will spend less on the development of the applications using ReactJS and if you are offering development services to your clients, you could charge your clients less and make your quotes more competitive because the number of man-hours will come down significantly because even when you are building customized apps, you can reuse components that are already built.

3. ReactJS is an open source platform, and it is absolutely free. We do not have to say anything more in terms of the benefits of using open source platforms because we already know the manifold benefits in using an open source JavaScript Library and the flexibility it offers.

4. ReactJS has a very dependable support community. As an open source platform you may not find dedicated company support but the open source community is there to extend help if you are feeling stuck. Most of the coding and development questions have already been addressed and even if you do not find the answers to your questions already answered you can post your queries which will answered by the experts in the field.

5. Many new tools and functionalities are constantly added by an active ReactJS community. Day by day the capabilities of this platform are increasing making it even more powerful and user friendly. This again is yet another reason why more and more developers seek this JavaScript library. You will be able to build more impressive applications and build excellent applications using this development tool.

6. Developers have opined that this is not only a user friendly platform, but it is also easy to learn ReactJS. It has shorter learning curve which is very important for the developers. You will be able to learn many things on the go and you need not have to go through an intense learning phase which often many developers shun. There are many tutorials available for beginners to learn and use this platform easily.

7. When we are discussing the advantages of using ReactJS, we cannot skip an important feature of this JavaScript library and that is Virtual DOM (Document Object Model). Often glitches are faced with DOM manipulation. Developers find it challenging here to ensure optimal user experience whenever there is going to be extensive user interaction with the app. Those who are familiar with DOM will understand how making a change to top level component can affect the components in the lower levels of the tree and disrupt the whole process. This is where ReactJS comes as a great solace to the developers. ReactJS handles this challenge by using virtual DOM. All the changes are first executed in the virtual DOM and not directly on the virtual DOM. The most effective way to implement the changes is first identified in the virtual DOM before it is actually applied to the real DOM. This in turn boosts the stability of the platform and optimal user experience. The overall performance and the speed of the entire system are also enhanced here.

8. ReactJS is found to be not only developer friendly, but it is also search engine friendly. When building dynamic apps and functionalities often search engine friendliness is compromised. Today, it is a big mistake to compromise on search friendliness. The competition level is soaring high in every industry. There is no point in having a platform that is not accessible to the target audience. Developers cannot today say that SEO is not our cup of tea and that it is not within the scope of app development. The development of any web platform is justified only when it is going to make it to the target audience. Along these lines, you should know that ReactJS is capable of overcoming the regular issues JavaScript apps face with search engines.

Undoubtedly ReactJS comes with numerous advantages. You just need to learn how to tap these advantages and make the best use of this Open Source platform. If you are outsourcing your ReactJS development work, make sure that you hire highly experienced experts to handle your requirements. Invest time to explore further about the benefits of this development platform and have all your doubts clarified before you engage any service provider to take care of your ReactJS development needs.

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